Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Growth Through Adversity

Congratulations on taking control of your life. If you have clicked on this post it is likely that you are going through or have recently gone through some pretty real adversity. Life will most certainly bring you challenging times. It is during these challenging times that you have a choice.  You can choose to get angry, become depressed, shrink into a ball, and become paralyzed OR choose to use each of life's challenge as an opportunity for self-reflection and growth.  You will become a wiser, whole-hearted, and more authentic person… the person you were meant to become. If you are reading this you are most likely looking to do the latter. Throughout my post I am going to talk about some ways I have found success with finding growth through adversity. Adversity is brought into your life on purpose for the your evolution. Wayne Dyer said "There is no such thing as luck or accidents in this purposeful universe."

Everyone Makes Mistakes...

You should realize everybody makes mistakes in life. Most people just don’t talk about them or make them public. Typically, you have to become very close with a person before they tell you the countless mess-ups in their past. Most people only have a very small group of people that would be willing to be vulnerable enough with them to share their worst mistakes. Even though you might know a lot of people it doesn't mean those people are going to reach out to you, expose their vulnerabilities and share their most regrettable moments to help you through this time. However, just because people aren't rushing to share their mistakes with you, it doesn't mean they don't have them or that they don't care about you. Don't get caught up in comparing your blooper reel with everyone else's highlightsThis is a viscous cycle that only leads to self-pity and shame. Reach out to the people you are closest with during your most vulnerable moments, and you will see the beauty in even the harshest times… there is grace in the storm.   

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